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Your roster for the 2013 Season has been created. You should look over the lists here to verify that they match the players leaving screens on the game. If you need to make adjustments use the links under the players names. You DO NOT need to save this page or click a save button. All actions (including the initial creation of the roster) are saved automatically upon initiating the action. Once you are satisfied with the player leaving you can proceed to recruiting or check your roster by clicking on the roster tab above.

Players Leaving

Billy Dugal SR(RS) Graduated
Darius Johnson SR Graduated
Zach Line SR Graduated
Kyle Padron SR Graduated
Jordan Free SR(RS) Graduated
Ryan Smith SR(RS) Graduated
Aaron Davis SR(RS) Graduated
Bryan Collins SR Graduated
Jordan Pittman SR Graduated
Marqus Hunt SR Graduated
Ryan Stone SR Graduated
Jagared Davis SR Graduated
Taylor Reed SR Graduated
Players Returning
Jordan Favreau JR(RS) Returning
Byron Brown JR(RS) Returning
Josh Emshoff JR(RS) Returning
Jay Scott JR(RS) Returning
Chris Parks JR Returning
Mike O Guin JR Returning
Randall Joyner JR Returning
Kenneth Acker JR Returning
Stephen Kaiser SO(RS) Returning
Der Rikk Thompson SO(RS) Returning
Jeremy Johnson SO(RS) Returning
Keenan Holman SO(RS) Returning
Ben Gottschalk SO(RS) Returning
Ashton Duhe SO(RS) Returning
Chase Hover SO(RS) Returning
Daren Kitchen FR(RS) Returning
Kris Weeks FR(RS) Returning
Jonathan Yenga FR(RS) Returning
Jared Williams FR(RS) Returning
Ryan Harris FR Returning
Michael Wheatley FR Returning
AJ Justice FR Returning
Gabriel Marks FR Returning
Robert Lewis FR Returning
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